Guru Gobind Singh Educational Society, is the most prestigious society of Jabalpur & nearby areas of Mahakaushal , Vindhyanchal & Bundelkhand region.
GGSES was founded in year 1974 and their first act was starting a school at Gurudwara, Marhatal with strength of 34 students. Over the year Guru Gobind Singh Educational Society was registered under M.P. Societies Act, in year 1984, (Registration No. 13529).
Over a period of time, Guru Gobind Singh Educational Society has founded eight schools including English & Hindi medium Schools and today it has strength of around 8,500 students. It was amongst the aims of society to provide education to worthy, irrespective of their caste & creed. Because of this, the schools were established at remote corners of city also, with all amenities.
Till date around 2.5 lakh students have been imparted education by various enterprises of society. Society has around 1,300 employees as on date, & some are in employ, since formation of society. Non teaching staff is being given benefit of Provident Fund. Leave rules & other advantages are applicable to staff members. After consolidation of schools, Guru Gobind Singh Educational Society addressed the burning need of providing college education to girls of Jabalpur and nearby areas.
This became genesis of an all girl’s college, Mata Gujri Mahilla Mahavidyalaya in 1994. Over the period of time, number of discipline and number of students kept on increasing and today, Mata Gujri Mahilla Mahavidyalaya is offering courses in graduate and post graduate disciplines. Mata Gujri Mahilla Mahavidyalaya has recognized IGNOU and PTU centre. , Mata Gujri Mahilla Mahavidyalaya is accredited ‘A’ by NAC of UGC. Mata Gujri Mahilla Mahavidyalaya also has a hostel for more than 600 girls and major extension of hostel is being planned in near future. As on date, around 5,500 girl students are shaping their future in Mata Gujri Mahilla Mahavidyalaya & getting admission in college is being considered as symbol of Intellect.
Foray in technical education started with introduction of Guru Ramdas Khalsa Institute of Science & Technology (BE) in 1997. Guru Ramdas Khalsa Institute of Science & Technology (BE) was first private engineering college of Jabalpur, Mahakaushal and Vindyachal region. Keeping in view the vision, Guru Gobind Singh Educational Society acquired 156 acres of land in village Kukrikheda, Barela. The GRKIST group of institutions campus is situated only 16 Km from heart of city by road & only 10 km from Dumna Airport.
In year 1999, Guru Gobind Singh Educational Society established Guru Ramdas Khalsa Institute of Science & Technology (MCA), which was again the first private college not only in Jabalpur, but in Mahakaushal, Vidyanchal and Bundelkhand region. In year 2002, society introduced Guru Ramdas Khalsa Institute of Science & Technology (Pharmacy) which was again the first private pharmacy college in Jabalpur as well as Mahakaushal, Vindyanchal and Bundelkhand region.